
Showing posts from September, 2020

Info (Motion) Graphics - Tutorial

 As the prompt stated, I am wanting to make an animated infographic around something I am passionate about. In particular, I am wanting to make it in regards to world-building. This one specifically will be focused on creating a setting, though if I enjoy the process I might continue it down the line and make it into a full series.  To accomplish my goal, I looked into various tutorials regarding camera movement and parallax. I intend to add animated characters as well. This is very rough and kinda rushed, but it's a good idea on what I intend to play around with. Completed tutorial: Tutorial on Camera Movement: Tutorial on Parallax:

Personal Interstitial - Final


Personal Interstitial - Tutorial

 I was curious as to how to add some sort of dimensionality to a logo, and felt this would be a solid way to do it. I'm not overly fond of the end result, but I  feel it is a step forward for me in learning how to use the program. The tutorial I utilized is below:

Kinetic Text - Final

 For the final, I touched up the placement, selected a font family to use for the type, created a system for the different type sizes used (small would be 100px, regular would be 150 px, and large would be 175 px), and played with timing and effects. I also adjusted the background color to make it something of a blueish-gray. Though I feel like there's still a lot I could do with this project, for my first After Effect piece I am somewhat pleased with the results.